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How To Set Up Cloudflare Argo Tunnel on Ubuntu 18.04

Argo Tunnel connects your web server to the Cloudflare network over an encrypted Tunnel. Learn how to set it up on Ubuntu 18.04 here.

Mitchell Musarra - CEO at MJWebs

Mitchell Musarra

Nov 24, 2018

Cloudflare’s Argo Tunnel solution offering is an excellent way to expose a privately-hosted web application to the internet without needing to port-forward or re-configure your firewall. This is a great replacement for a traditional corporate VPN when used in addition to Cloudflare Access.

Cloudflare Argo Tunnel setup graphics on Ubuntu for web design and development blog

You can find the official documentation for Argo Tunnel here. However, I have created this short and concise article to get you started quickly.

This article assumes you already have a Cloudflare account with an active zone and a working server or virtual machine running Ubuntu 18.04.


For Cloudflare to have secure access to our internally hosted application, we need to install a daemon on a node that is capable of reaching the private application over a network. This means we can install the daemon on the web application server itself or a node with network access to the application. The latter option is a particularly good idea if the application is a “black-box” or running a non-standard operating system.

In this example, we will be exposing a privately hosted instance of GitLab CE to the internet.

1. Enable Argo Routing.

Navigate to the zone you would like to use to proxy access to your internal application. Under “Traffic”, change the “Argo” value to “ON”.

screenshot of where to enable Argo routing on the zone you would like to use to proxy access to your internal application

2. Install “cloudflared”.

Run the following to install “cloudflared”:

# Download .deb from source
$ wget

# Unpack and install
$ sudo dpkg -i cloudflared-stable-linux-amd64.deb

# Check version
$ cloudflared --versioncloudflared version 2018.0.0 (built 2018-06-05-2106 UTC)

3. Authenticate the Daemon.

Cloudflared is authenticated on a per-zone basis. This means that you can enable the Argo Tunnel for multiple subdomains but not multiple domains (zones) per instance.

Run the following:

$ sudo cloudflared tunnel login

A browser window should have opened at the following URL:

Copy and paste the provided link into your browser and load the page. You will see something like this:

list of active domains in your account while authenticating the daemon for enabling Argo tunnel in cloudflare

From the list of active domains in your account, choose the zone that the daemon can have access to and you will see this message:

Cloudflare installation confirmation in Argo Tunnel

After clicking on your selected zone, the following output will also appear in your shell:

You have successfully logged in. If you wish to copy your credentials to a server, they have been saved to: /root/.cloudflared/cert.pem

4. Create Config For Cloudflared.

Move the authentication key that was just created to the ‘cloudflared’ directory in /etc:

# Move authentication key to cloudflared directory
$ sudo mkdir /etc/cloudflared
$ sudo mv /root/.cloudflared/cert.pem /etc/cloudflared/cert.pem

# Create custom configuration file:
$ sudo nano /etc/cloudflared/config.yml

Add in the following and change to suit your needs:

hostname: # Your public facing domain name
url: http://localhost:80 # the internal web application IP and port
logfile: /var/log/cloudflared.log

5. Enable Daemon on Boot.

Run the following to enable the daemon to auto-start at boot and launch now.

$ sudo cloudflared service install

$ sudo service cloudflared start

6. Verify Installation.

When you refresh the “Traffic” page on your Cloudflare zone, you will see a new entry under “Argo Tunnel” with the hostname you specified in your config.yml.

Argo Tunnel screenshot with the hostname and uptime data

If everything went smoothly, Cloudflare should now be proxying requests to your internally hosted web application using the hostname you specified in the config.yml file!